The speaker's name was Segun Gbdegesin and he had a very thick accent. It was quite hard to make out what he was saying but I think I did just a fine job at taking notes. And maybe not. We'll see how this goes.
He explained that "Iwa" is your character. If you loose you character you loose everything. He was talking a lot more about Iwa and some other concepts around that but I just couldnt understand him. Then he had his friend play the drums and stuff... That woke me up a little bit, but I still didnt understand what was going on. In fact, I believe that just dropped me even further into confusion.
After that he went on to talk about, "Before Socratees and Plato and Jesus, there were..." The Goddess Ma'at and Vizier Ptahhotep and Pharaoh Amenemope. And the Principles of Ma'at; how ancient Egytians learned and practiced Truth, Justice, Order, Balance and Harmony. Living through Ma'at made the Gods strong.
And then I think he tried to go on and compare Ancient Egypt and the African world, but he ran out of time. I really dont have any idea what he was talking about. I guess we need to remember to have good character and aspire to be a truely good person. That's all I could really extract out of that lecture.
Nicole McKinney
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